I haven't posted for a while, been run down, coughing, under the weather....thought maybe I could have mono. Nope. Pneumonia. It's springbreak. Must be my luck. Then there was the craziness of trying to get tickets for the Easter Egg Roll at the White House. I tried every 5 minutes, all day long. Even got through to the very end at the checkout several times...when I clicked confirm, did I get a confirmation? No. Did I get tickets? No. What did I get? "Sorry, no tickets available". What kinda crap is that - They say I have tickets, they are checking me out and then - nothing?! What a horrible day and a waste. The White House internet service sucked. Then Holly Madison got booted off Dancing with the Stars early. Just my luck. Okay, I admit, she wasn't very good...not at all. But I still was rooting for her. Now she is gone and I've lost interest in another season. Then there is son #3 who has had strep 3 times in 8 weeks. Dr. says "it happens". Yeah right, just my luck. I think I have spent more time on the phone trying to find a sub to work my hours than anything else this winter season. I'm sure there are some other things that have made this past month less than desirable - just too tired to think of them right now. Taking my guys and nieces to Imagination Stage for the show Heidi this afternoon. Just me and them. Them and me. Them laughing and giggling about EVERYTHING - even if there isn't anything. Me - dreaming of sleeping. But it's spring break, and sitting around not doing anything just doesn't sound fun. So off we go. Even though my luck seems to be in the toilet - and flushed, when I have bursts of energy, I feel quite lucky to have my guys and nieces to spend a wonderful afternoon at the theater, enjoying a great show, eating pizza and listening to all the jokes that preschoolers can possibly makeup....and continue to laugh and giggle at them all!