I have two friends who are struggling with different situations, but the results are the same. Smart, funny, giving, loving women who have given their all for their families and their homes. Yet in return, one receives a lazy and selfish attitude in return - wife and children are at the bottom of priorities. The other, receives constant lies, disrespect, adultry, and emotional hurt upon her child. When I look at these women, women I've gotten to know quite well over the years, I sit back and for the life of me, can't figure out WHY of all people, its happening to them. Not to mention how pissed I am that these men can't SEE for themselves what great women are in their lives.
At times, I just want to scream "JUMP", get off that Merry-go-round...but then before I do, I hestitate and think "WAIT", maybe the merry-go-round will slow down and you will get the brass ring - just give it a chance - it can happen. I want to be the optimist. Maybe the horses will stop going up and down and just stay still for a while, so they can catch their breath. But in the end, I know that these men will never change. They feel their life (meaning just them) is perfect. Why would they want to change. Everyone else should change. Obviously to them, these wonderful women are not doing their part and their children just aren't getting it. It makes me very sad. I can't figure it out. I guess the best I can do is listen and pray. But I'm praying for the merry-go-round to slow down, just enough for the right decisions for these women are made. Do I think they will be happier without their other half - yes, I honestly do. Is it a scary thought - yes, it is. I can't even imagine being where they are right now, when to stay or when to get off or maybe try to grab the brass ring. All I do know, is that despite all they endure, these women, just keep getting stronger, more devoted to their children and family, dedicated to their work, and are just amazing! These vibrant and deserving ladies and ever devoted mothers, deserve the best that life can offer. I hope whatever ups and downs they endure on this merry-go-round of life, will only bring them closer to happiness and peace. They are a testimony to the strength God gave women.