Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strep again!

Crap, now son #3 has strep!!! I guess its a waiting game - whether son #1 and my husband get strep next. Guess all this strep just means we're a loving family???

Saturday, January 24, 2009

To ponder

This past week I was approached by sons #2 and #3 skating coach, who happens to coach a competitive junior academy for skaters. She said she has had her eye on son #1, who is usually skating randomly and recklessly while the others take lessons. She wants us to consider, if son #1 has a desire, letting him join. Lots of time on the ice, lots of commitment.....mmmmmm. So maybe in the next few weeks, we'll go when they are practicing and see what is involved. I asked, are you sure that is the son you want? I have 2 others who would be far more enthusiastic! The other 2, are still too young....they want the son #1, I guess they see something I'm currently blind too. Considering son #1 has only had a small amount of formal coaching, in which he was bored and decided to do his own thing. Luckily, our area rink has ranked nationally with their junior league AND the coaching is long as you do the time. This could be an interesting thought - we'll see. There is always something to new to ponder.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where to start

Today is mental breakdown day. Simple as that. Today I took a mental health day off from working at the preschool. I had to go in yesterday because I couldn't find a sub and I'm still trying to recover from strep (not bouncing back like son #2). Today I have a sub, I'm sitting in a quiet house ALONE! Of course, it's almost 10:30 a.m. and I haven't started one thing but check facebook and blog but I needed to clear my head. All kids are staying at school late today so I have least so I think. It will be 3 p.m. before I know it, day over. Strep really kicked my butt. Doesn't life just suck sometimes? So I'm trying to think of a few positive things to get me going....I guess the first thing is, I got up and I have improved from the last few days. That the kids were all well enough to go to school. Our new President is in office. I actually have food in the frig. My computer and internet is working. I might even watch a movie while folding several loads of laundry today.....hey, my day isn't starting off that bad after all. I probably won't get half of what I set out to do done, but then there is always tomorrow.

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”- Winston Churchill

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

When major events happen in the world, people always try to remember where they were or what they were doing when the event took place. I know I won't forget where I was or what was happening on such an important day. Son #2 and myself have strep throat - REALLY bad. I had so many things planned to celebrate today, alas, we are laid out on the couch wishing we could eat but can't bear the pain. Son #1 is busy hanging streamers all over the basement/family room as we watch the inauguration on TV. I didn't get a chance to get our Inauguration t-shirts or make my red, white and blue food BUT there is always tomorrow. We'll keep the streamers up for a few weeks since President's Day is in just a few weeks and we can do red, white and blue food for that day.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy 80th Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Rev. Martin Luther King would have been 80. I sometimes try to imagine what else he could have accomplished if his life had not been cut short. But from his short life, came many great things. He gave others the strength to stand up for injustice, believe in the rights given to us as an American and that we can be friends with everyone. It is not what is on the outside of our bodies but the inside that makes the person. Last night, at a wonderful church service honoring Rev. King, the amazing Bishop Forrest Stith, read us a poem that has been showing up across the internet. In case you haven't heard it yet, though only a few words, it makes a very strong point.

Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther King Jr. could walk.
Martin Luther King Jr. walked so Barrack Obama could run.
Barrack Obama ran so children can fly.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

5 Minute Rule

The 5 minute rule is my latest note to self. It seems this week I'm on the fast track of being notably insane. So why the 5 minute rule? It's those last few minutes, that in hindsite, if you had just done something different, you would be FAR LESS irritated. Today I discharged my father from the rehab/nursing home where he has been for the last 3 weeks. Packed everything, drove him to pick out new glasses (which had broken and had no backup), then to lunch, then to the grocery store and then back home. A home that while he was away, my sister and I cleaned up, did all the laundry, threw out about 15 bags of trash and 38 phone books (yes, 38!). After 5 hours of being on the best behavior (talking about me that is), I decided to take those last 5 minutes to have a "wrap-up" conversation with my father. Should I have left? YES! But no, I sat there to say, "dad, we'll be checking in and whatever you need, we will go get for you or take you". I think that was a pretty nice thing to say.

Okay, back up a life time and let me just say at this point, my father and I have a VERY STRAINED relationship. He is a very angry, unhappy, arrogant individual. No, it has nothing to do with him being 82 - he has been this way all his life, at least since I have known him. My sister and I do what we feel is the "right" thing to do and care for him the best we can to make sure he has a good quality of life. But it's not easy. Back to the story -

He proceeds to tell me how he will drive - even without his glasses - that he doesn't care what anyone says (which he never does), even though we still have his keys - he has others we don't know about and he will do what he wants. That's an abbreviated version and on a much nicer level than what I dealt with at the moment. So I snapped, which he can make me do so easily - though I was doing so well until that moment. After an exchange of words, I proceed to tell him that we DO CARE that is why we do all this stuff, we never said he couldn't have his keys or drive again, just not until he gets his glasses, the temps are below freezing and for health reasons, best he stay inside. You would think after spending 3 weeks in rehab, which he hated, and they spent alot of time pointed out his weaknesses and where and how he should be most careful, that he would take heed. I mean, why would you willfully do the things they say you shouldn't, risk injuring yourself and end up back in rehab for a REALLY long time????? So the next time you have a chance to keep going - don't stop - don't pass Go - don't collect $200, just remember, those last 5 minutes are the most dangerous - get while the getting is good! I will definitely keep that in the front of mind the next time!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dreams can come true!

Can't help it, I'm excited. For the last 4 weeks, a well-known artist, Jason Swain, has been painting a portrait of President-elect Obama at son #1's school. He was commissioned by someone (still an unknown) to paint this portrait as a gift to the future President. Today was the last day, portrait finished, news crews there, Congressman Chris Van Holland there, all 3rd, 4th and 5th graders there - quite the excitement. The finishing touch was when the artist allowed the children there to sign their name on a canvas to be attached to the back of the portrait. Amazing to think, their signatures could actually be hanging in the White House! What struck me was, it was only a month or so ago that son #1 asked me "mom, do you think I could become President someday". I said "of course". Well, even if he doesn't fulfill this dream (or it changes), at least his signature will make it to the White House! Dreams can come true in one form or another!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a problem

As if I haven't had a lot on my plate lately BUT after playing phone tag for 3 days with my son's dr to get a prescription refilled, she finally wrote me the prescription. I pick it up - not a problem. Headed off to the drive-thru CVS Pharmacy down the street from my house - not a problem. Drop off the prescription and head home, pick up prescription in the morning - not a problem. A block from home pharmacy calls, they don't have the dosage the dr prescribed in stock - PROBLEM. They can order it BUT with the weekend ahead of us and Monday and Tuesday being a holiday, it wouldn't be here until Wednesday or Thursday - PROBLEM. Now I drive back to the pharmacy to pick up the written prescription (it's 8:00 p.m.), then drive to another nearby drive-thru pharmacy, again not in stock - PROBLEM. Of course, from the time I turned around by my house to head back for the prescription, I was on the phone with Giant pharmacy to see if they had the meds but was kept on hold until 2 drive-thru pharmacies and when I actually arrived in the Giant parking lot. And NO, they didn't have the meds either - PROBLEM. Next day, I had gone to 3 pharmacies, called about a dozen variety of pharmacies in the area and NO ONE carries said dosage and need to special order - PROBLEM. So what's a mother to do....but call the dr. back and request she write a prescription in a smaller dosage but with more quantity. Of course, the prescription writing dr. was not in so I had to have them track down another dr. willing to do me this favor - PROBLEM. All I wanted was to get a prescription filled. Living in an area with a pharmacy on every corner and yet, no one to fill it. Finally, I got the new prescription yet when I find a pharmacy who had the dosage and is convenient, yes they have the right dosage in stock BUT not enough pills but are willing to give me what they have and order the rest. Whew - what does it take to get drugs these days?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Elvis!

Today will always be remembered as the day Elvis was born - the King of Rock and Roll. January is birthday to many great individuals, especially my incredibly talented, beautiful and loving niece Juliet (sorry - can't help it). Happy Birthday to our dear little friend Shelby who just turned double-digits like Austin. Happy Birthday to my friend Carol, who is a great philosopher and an amazing boy momma, who's love for her boys always touch my heart. Happy Birthday to a great leader, Martin Luther King who led our world in a new direction, gave meaning to the word peace and made us all think a little bit kinder of everyone (at least I hope he did).

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just Milk

Okay, its been a crappy day. I was trying to think positive, especially after posting about Guerrilla Goodness BUT when you've been hoping for a REALLY long time that it would finally snow ALOT and its again RAINING, then the rest of the day went downhill. Is it possible for a whole bunch of 2 year olds to get up on the wrong side of the bed on the SAME DAY? Well, after today I can honestly tell you YES. We've had a wonderful year so far in our preschool class - really - but then today happened. When finally it was time to escape and go home, I'm informed that son #3 may have pink-eye. Okay, so much for curling up on the couch and relaxing before retrieving son #1 from school. Then there was the trip to Trader Joe's after the dr. appt. with sons #1, #2, #3....I was so irritated when leaving, I was hoping for the crazy shopping cart lady that is sometimes there to add to my day (Joan, I was looking out for her). But then son #1, decides to NOT listen for the 100th time since arriving at Trader Joes and drops a gallon of milk (which is the reason for going to TJs)in the parking lot and it rolls under the van (amazingly, did not break). As I'm feeling the veins in my neck bulge and crazed behavior consumes my body - I begin to yell. I swear I try hard not to do this at my sons - mainly, make them feel horrible. So it was a pissy day. Most of all, now I feel pissy at myself. I made son #1 feel horrible over something as stupid as milk. Just milk. Why couldn't I just suck it back in and ignore all the annoyances of the day. No, I let them pile up and took it out on someone who only has kindness in his heart at all times. So I slap myself and try to put this incident in my twisted up brain as a major lesson learned. What is the lesson? When things seem so bad, remember - it's just milk. Nothing more. Just milk. Now to apologize to son #1 and explain to him that his twisted brain mommy isn't perfect by a long stretch, but at least she is willing to admit it. Hope that counts for something. Peace.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Guerrilla Goodness

How to start the New Year? Just two words - Guerilla Goodness. I want to share a blog that I find very inspiring. "Kindness Girl" believes that random acts of kindness can change the world - isn't that a beautiful sentiment! From this belief was born "Guerrilla Goodness" - her name for random acts of kindness. Her ideas and how she involves all 4 of her children and friends is touching and makes you stop and think how even the smallest of deeds, taking just a few moments out of our hectic and never ending days, can probably make a huge difference to someone out there in the world. Considering the economy and all the stress many Americans are dealing with daily - wouldn't an act of kindness make your day? Below is one act that I found very touching - to remember someone and give meaning to their life. My New Year's resolution is to make "Guerilla Goodness" a focus this year for myself and family. I've included the link to all the "Guerilla Goodness" that Kindness Girl acted upon this past year - read through them, maybe it will help you to create your own acts of kindness (thank you Kindness Girl). (then click on the picture under Guerrilla Goodness on the sidebar)

Borrowed from Kindness Girl: Kindness invaded Carytown and other stops around Richmond yesterday. Courtesy and in honor of a dear friend who passed away 2 years ago. I sometimes believe this girl might have packed a whole lifetime of living in 25 short years, and then I start to imagine what her next 60 could have been. She gave me the honor of walking the journey to her death, which was really when we became friends. So every birthday, and the day of her passing I do something I think she would have totally dug, things I wish we could have done together…So this anniversary it was Starbucks love, my girl LOVED some starbucks. Even worked there for a stint. I knew we had to spread some coffee/tea love…We (my whole crew) decided to jump in the car and leave gift cards all over the city. We left them on bus benches, the mirror at World of Mirth (josiah’s idea), public bathrooms, one of her favorite books at the bookstore, parks, telephone polls…etc. It was totally exhilarating as guerrillaness always is, we drove around like crazy seeing if we could catch someone looking or taking. If you are feeling the kindness and coffee love this morning, pick up a card (we did $5 cards) and leave it in a public place with a note of who or what you are honoring today…maybe the finder will do the same.

Amazingly, right before Christmas I received an unexpected act of kindness when struggling with a bad cold, father in the hospital, a million things still not done for Christmas and a whole bunch of other stressful stuff going on, a friend who I only hear from like twice a year, sent a Starbucks gift card with her Christmas card thanking me for something I did for her several years ago! It brought me back to reality of how much I had to be thankful for and all the bad stuff will eventually pass. Happy New Year and Guerrilla Goodness to Everyone!

Have you received an act of kindness in the past? Have one that you did to share? PLEASE share your story - no matter how small, if it made you feel good, its worth mentioning. Just click on "Comments" after this entry and share. You can also click on comments anytime to read what others have shared.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


AS if I don't have other things to do, my New Year started off wanting to start a new blog. The other one was suppose to be just about ordinary day to day things of life but after 6 months, it's quite obvious that its a blog about the KIDS! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE talking about my kids because I adore and love every inch of their overly energetic selves. How could you not adore such sweetness....but before it becomes "here she goes again", that is where it ends. My friend Joan has a fab site called Mothers on the Brink where she is able to vent and give her opinions without being interrupted - I love it. She inspired me to attempt to blog about stuff that isn't kid related. Okay, they will be mentioned occassionally. So now to the title. Well, if you have known me for a long time, I always had a passion for Elvis - my first love. Actually saw him in concert when I was 16. My other passion for many years before the children were born were Corgis. Corgis are dogs. Amazing, wonderful, loyal and loving animals. My uncle had one as a child, then he raised and breeded them which meant everyone in the family got a one as a puppy. Now how do Elvis and Corgis go together? WELL, it just so happens that in Elvis' movie, Blue Hawaii, there is a corgi in the film. It was amazing to me that my two passions, Elvis and Corgis were actually in the same movie together - how lucky is that! So basically I need an outlet to vent, think and ponder life in general. Hence the subtitle - Random Ramblings. There is no theme to this blog - at least not yet so for now, whatever happens to pop into my head on any given day, I'll just write about it. Hopefully it will be somewhat interesting, maybe you will check in to read it from time to time. It is just something that will evolve as time goes on. Happy New Year!

(oops, my friend Evi pointed out that I didn't mention that the Queen of England has corgis and that England IS my favorite place to vacation. Thanks Evi!)