Okay, back up a life time and let me just say at this point, my father and I have a VERY STRAINED relationship. He is a very angry, unhappy, arrogant individual. No, it has nothing to do with him being 82 - he has been this way all his life, at least since I have known him. My sister and I do what we feel is the "right" thing to do and care for him the best we can to make sure he has a good quality of life. But it's not easy. Back to the story -
He proceeds to tell me how he will drive - even without his glasses - that he doesn't care what anyone says (which he never does), even though we still have his keys - he has others we don't know about and he will do what he wants. That's an abbreviated version and on a much nicer level than what I dealt with at the moment. So I snapped, which he can make me do so easily - though I was doing so well until that moment. After an exchange of words, I proceed to tell him that we DO CARE that is why we do all this stuff, we never said he couldn't have his keys or drive again, just not until he gets his glasses, the temps are below freezing and for health reasons, best he stay inside. You would think after spending 3 weeks in rehab, which he hated, and they spent alot of time pointed out his weaknesses and where and how he should be most careful, that he would take heed. I mean, why would you willfully do the things they say you shouldn't, risk injuring yourself and end up back in rehab for a REALLY long time????? So the next time you have a chance to keep going - don't stop - don't pass Go - don't collect $200, just remember, those last 5 minutes are the most dangerous - get while the getting is good! I will definitely keep that in the front of mind the next time!
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