As if I haven't had a lot on my plate lately BUT after playing phone tag for 3 days with my son's dr to get a prescription refilled, she finally wrote me the prescription. I pick it up -
not a problem. Headed off to the drive-thru CVS Pharmacy down the street from my house -
not a problem. Drop off the prescription and head home, pick up prescription in the morning -
not a problem. A block from home pharmacy calls, they don't have the dosage the dr prescribed in stock -
PROBLEM. They can order it BUT with the weekend ahead of us and Monday and Tuesday being a holiday, it wouldn't be here until Wednesday or Thursday -
PROBLEM. Now I drive back to the pharmacy to pick up the written prescription (it's 8:00 p.m.), then drive to another nearby drive-thru pharmacy, again not in stock -
PROBLEM. Of course, from the time I turned around by my house to head back for the prescription, I was on the phone with Giant pharmacy to see if they had the meds but was kept on hold until 2 drive-thru pharmacies and when I actually arrived in the Giant parking lot. And NO, they didn't have the meds either -
PROBLEM. Next day, I had gone to 3 pharmacies, called about a dozen variety of pharmacies in the area and NO ONE carries said dosage and need to special order -
PROBLEM. So what's a mother to do....but call the dr. back and request she write a prescription in a smaller dosage but with more quantity. Of course, the prescription writing dr. was not in so I had to have them track down another dr. willing to do me this favor -
PROBLEM. All I wanted was to get a prescription filled. Living in an area with a pharmacy on every corner and yet, no one to fill it. Finally, I got the new prescription yet when I find a pharmacy who had the dosage and is convenient, yes they have the right dosage in stock BUT not enough pills but are willing to give me what they have and order the rest. Whew - what does it take to get drugs these days?
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