Thursday, September 24, 2009


I must be a magnet for parents with bad behavior. Tonight, we decided to eat out at one of our favorite places. It's family night on Thursday so kids eat for really cheap and a clown comes to paint faces and do balloon animals. Our boys love going. So tonight, as it is on many Thursday nights, the second the clown walks in, the children get overly excited and mob the poor clown lady. But she is a trooper and doesn't seem to mind. She gets busy decorating faces and arms, working quite quickly but also maintaining a friendly smile and engaging the children. Now, if you don't want this kind of excitement, just sit back and wait about 15 minutes and let the clown finish her first round of face paintings and all will quiet down. Really, I promise you - it happens. Just give it 15 minutes, then children will disband and all will be quiet again. BUT as we sat there, one overly eager mother with her 2 year old carried her child over the clown. As the other children stood around and did their ooohs and ahhhhhs over the child getting painted, this MOM held her child up, as if he were an offering to the Gods, and said "HEY, there are smaller kids back here waiting to get their face painted too". I couldn't believe it. How rude can one be? The clown, without skipping a beat, looked up and said "yes I know and everyone will get a turn, when its their turn". She then pointed out several children that had been waiting. The woman then picked her kid back up and went back to her seat - she NEVER came back to get her child's face painted, even when no one was waiting anymore. So what was so important? All the children were excited and anxious but willing to wait their turn patiently. Obviously this mom missed that lesson in life. Exactly what lesson was she providing for her child that day? Gee, let's just be obnoxious in front of a bunch of kids and set proper examples on how to be a good human being. Come on people, straighten up - enjoy life a little!

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