Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

When major events happen in the world, people always try to remember where they were or what they were doing when the event took place. I know I won't forget where I was or what was happening on such an important day. Son #2 and myself have strep throat - REALLY bad. I had so many things planned to celebrate today, alas, we are laid out on the couch wishing we could eat but can't bear the pain. Son #1 is busy hanging streamers all over the basement/family room as we watch the inauguration on TV. I didn't get a chance to get our Inauguration t-shirts or make my red, white and blue food BUT there is always tomorrow. We'll keep the streamers up for a few weeks since President's Day is in just a few weeks and we can do red, white and blue food for that day.

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